P Ph he e P Pe eC Ci io oD Ds s33 \ \o ow we e1 1+ +D Dl l W Wo oo oC C W Wo o1 1X Xs sh he ee et tf f\ \a a1 1t t A A This worksheet is to be used as often as you can handle it. It is very tedious and time consuming, but the results are amazing. Sit down with this one before you eat and document in detail. Pick a Joy or Fuel Food you really like. Name of Food: ______________________________________ Quantity You Want to Eat: _____________________________ Hunger Sensation Scale: (Stomach Fullness) __________________________________________________ -10 0 10 Describe the Food in Detail: Look, smell, texture, color, etc. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Your Feeling before Eating the Food: ____________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Lating Is Got RocXet .cience ! %@