Self-Care Tool #1 Make You the Number One Priority in Your Life I cannot count the number of times I have heard clients say they don’t have enough time to plan meals, feel their feelings, or exercise. It’s a tragedy. All of these well-meaning women give so much to everyone else, but leave the scraps to themselves. I tell them all the same thing: you can’t pour love from an empty pitcher. The hardest part of this scenario is that giving to oth- ers at your expense can be externally rewarding. You are viewed as a giver and you really are; but inside, you are starving for your own attention. I think this is one of the reasons we become overweight; we are try- ing to get our own attention. The most important person to take care of is you. Period. If you aren’t healthy, you won’t be any good to anyone. Also, for those of you who have kids: You need to remember the best legacy you can give to your kids is an example of a life well-lived. They may listen to what you say, but they will do what you do. If you tell them to take care of themselves and you don’t do it yourself, what kind of message are you sending? 145 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?