PAGE 23 | SELF COACHING SCHOLARS In Module 9, I cover cash flow and money. I teach you about revenue, profit, and expenses and also the difference between investing your money and spending your money. You must be willing to invest in yourself, and make good on that investment so that you become profitable so fast that then you’re able to scale from that. Finally in Module 10, I teach you my process for hiring and managing a team. I have the secret to hiring the best people quickly and managing them so they are independent, serving your business, and loving working for you. So many of my students are or want to become entrepreneurs, and if that’s you, this alone will be worth your membership. SIX MONTH VIP & ONE YEAR DIAMOND TREATMENT When you sign up for the program, I highly recommend that you commit for one year. The daily assignments are cumulative, so you will get the full effect if you show up consistently and do the work for a year. After six months, you will achieve VIP seniority. This is a very big deal in our world. At this point you will receive an additional bonus package of surprise content, in addition to your monthly workbooks. An achievement gem is just one part of it. You will also get one exclusive call with me and the other VIPs for more advanced coaching monthly. You will also get access to two full trainings I don’t offer anywhere else and sold for thousands of dollars. You will become a Diamond Scholar after completing a full year of Self Coaching Scholars. Diamonds are rewarded with special recognition and opportunities to work with me in ways that are not available to any other students. You will have a private Ask Brooke only for Diamond members, a monthly Advanced Diamond Live Coaching call with me, access to 12 Advanced Diamond Trainings taught by my handpicked Certified Coaches, and the archives of all of my Live Coaching Calls and Behind the Scenes videos. Plus, we put together all the monthly content in a special book called A Year of Scholars. Of course, you will still get access to all the VIP materials and live coaching calls.