32 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? we do something and we are somehow rewarded for it, our brain pays close attention and learns everything it can so it can repeat the experience. Think about the things we most desire. We desire food, sex, accomplishment, and connection. For many of us desires extend to porn, Facebook, alcohol, drugs, and even gambling. Anything that provides us with a reward in our brain will do the trick of generating powerful desire and overdesire. Most of the things that cause overdesire are concentrated. If you look at how things occur naturally and then how we condense them into a huge hit of something at once, you can see how those things that give the biggest dopamine hit are the most lucrative to the sellers. Porn is concentrated sex. Cocaine is concentrated coca leaf. Facebook is If desire is always answered with a reward, then the desire will continually increase after every exposure.