PAGE 20 | SELF COACHING SCHOLARS Per requests from some of my Self Coaching Scholars students, I taught a Money Course as a bonus. This has been one of my most popular courses to date. Everyone seems to want to learn more about having a better relationship with money. This course is broken into four lessons all designed to increase abundance in your mind and money in your bank account. We don’t just talk about ideas, we talk about processes to produce, earn, and create money. Lesson One is about belief systems around money. We talk about how you grew up believing certain things about money and how that is currently influencing the amount of money you have. We do two main exercises on this that are simply life changing. Lesson Two is about earning money and how to earn more money. We talk a lot about how most of us think money is an exchange for time and how we believe that to make more money we have to work harder. Both of these beliefs are fallacies. They are the very things preventing us from making more money. Lesson Three is about spending money. We study our spending habits and how most of us have it backward. We spend money to feel good instead of spending money when we already feel good. We talk about how our feelings when we spend should always be aligned with our ultimate decision making. We break down how many people shop as a way of buffering and end up worsening their relationship with themselves and money in the process. And finally, Lesson Four is about having money. Most of us don’t know how to have money. We don’t appreciate money for what it is, and instead we only appreciate it for what it can buy. When we change our paradigm around this, we start having more money in a way that provides us with a healthy way of relating to spending, earning, and having more money. Each lesson has its own bonus call included and recorded. You also get access to recordings of bonus coaching calls and lessons on money. If you are dialed in with money, you might not be interested in the bonus calls, but I highly recommend you take the video training to get a new perspective on your relationship with money. It’s so good.