to accomplishing it. By building the practice of seeing themselves achieve their smaller daily goals, they become convinced they will be able to achieve the big- ger ones as well. Success truly does breed success. With goals written and scheduled, you won’t be look- ing up one day and saying, “Where did the time go?” Instead, you will know exactly what you are doing with your time and it will lead you to accomplishing all your goals. I highly recommend writing goals on paper on a regu- lar basis and not just once a year. Start with your top-five outcomes and write a twenty-five-year goal for each outcome. Then, break it down to ten-, five-, and one-year, and eventually, into ninety-day goals. Based on your ninety-day goals, pull out your calendar and make a daily action plan for all the action items required to achieve the goals. Then, every quarter, look at your goals and your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and set some new ones. Before you know it, a year will have gone by and your goal will be accomplished. The year is going to pass anyway—you might as well reap some specific rewards from it. I love the quote, “A year from now, you will wish you had started today.” Start right now, your future self will thank you for it. 200 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?