It is fascinating to me how much we can control our feelings by what we believe. Anytime I am feeling something negative, I see it as an opportunity to dis- cover some negative belief that is lurking within me. I actually look forward to these feelings coming so I can get access to myself and change myself for the better. For example, last week I was frustrated with my assis- tant, Angela, because she didn’t complete a job in a timely manner and in the way I had asked her to com- plete it. Now, in this situation many would say I had a “right” and that I was “justified” for feeling this way. Although that might be true, I did not want to feel frus- trated. I do not see an upside to feeling frustrated or reacting to frustration. So, I let frustration come up and swim around without me reacting to it. I let it lead me to the belief system that was causing it. What I found was very interesting. I found that I had a belief system that indicated that if my assistant didn’t pro- duce the assignment on time, that I would disappoint my client and that I would appear unprofessional and lacking. Fascinating. I looked at that belief and found that it was completely untrue. If my client believed that about me, it was still untrue. Further, I realized that I have no control over what my client believes and I was actually trying to control her feelings by my actions. I took it deeper and asked myself what I 126 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?