Our bodies and the way we carry them are a reflection of our inner life and our beliefs about who we are and what we deserve. I don’t believe we have to be as thin as a movie star to be happy. I do believe that when we eat according to our body’s wisdom and not in order to cope with our lives, we will arrive at a natural weight that works for us. This will be the weight we are com- fortable with and doesn’t take too much effort to maintain. When I first lost weight, I got down to about a size six. I was very thin and was working out hard. I liked being a size six because jeans looked great and I could wear a bikini very comfortably. It turned out it was just too much work. I had to think about it too carefully and it didn’t come naturally. I finally settled into a size eight with a level of exercise and eating that is practical for me. That’s where my body stays when I listen to it and feed it and take care of it. This cooperation with my body frees me up to be comfortable in the world and to use my energy on something more productive than trying to look like a magazine cover. This book is about finding your effortless weight. It is the place where you don’t struggle; you feel strong, capable, and free. You feel healthy and natural and bal- anced. It has to do with who you are from the inside 222 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?