PAGE 6 | SELF COACHING SCHOLARS If you know me at all, you know I always overdeliver. I give you way more value than you pay for. This is my delight and makes my program so easy to sell. It’s really a no brainer when you understand what you get. But, it’s very important that you don’t get overwhelmed with all the goodies and goodness. It’s all there for you like a buffet. It’s not meant for you to consume every bit; it’s there for you to pick and choose and decide what you want to focus on and learn. NOTHING IS REQUIRED. Each month you will have a workbook. This is really the main focus of the program, and if nothing else, I recommend that you do the workbook assignments daily. If you skip a day, no big deal. Just pick up where you left off; don’t go back and try to catch up. If you get started late, no big deal. Just turn the page to the current day and get started. You can’t fall behind in this program. It’s there for you. The more you do, the better, but perfection is our enemy, so you don’t want to aim for that. The workbook is supplemented with an overview video and a homework video. I encourage you to watch both, but you don’t have to. The instructions in the workbook are clear. The goal is not for you to sit and learn but for you to activate your brain, fill in the workbook, and gain insight and action motivation by doing the work. The workbook is really the only thing I would say is imperative. It’s really the whole point of the month. But just like everything else, you get to decide if that is your priority. It is designed to change you after 30 days. My students who do the work tell me how much their actions and results have changed completely in such a short time. Everything else available to you on the site can be considered an awesome bonus and optional material. If, at any point, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, then just jump back to the workbook. Here’s one final note: You might join this program because of the overeating, overdrinking, or money aspect. You will, of course, be more interested in those trainings and want to dive into those. Most of my clients binge watch and that is fine. But please don’t think that the monthly work is irrelevant to you. Eating, drinking, underearning, and ovespending are all symptoms. The cause of the problem is always your mind. The monthly work is where we work on the cause.