28 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? body evolved to eat a berry occasionally, not juice and soda all day long. The concentrated substances cause our insulin to accommodate a sugar spike. Thankfully, insulin does its job of flooding into the bloodstream to bring it down from the unnatural levels. But unfortunately, when it's there it's storing all that sugar as fat as fast as it can. The addition of flour and sugar to our diets and our subsequent belief that they were "fat free” and normal to eat has skyrocketed our obesity epidemic. Sugar and flour cause high insulin. High insulin causes fat storage. Fat storage is the opposite of losing fat. Before you ask, let me answer, yes, I'm talking about all flour. Yes, I'm talking about all sugar. Concentrated food, not occurring naturally with fiber, is a “no.” Apple? Yes. Apple Juice? No. And anything with flour in it. And I know, yes, everything does have flour in it. So stay out of the middle aisles of your grocery store. There's a reason why food manufacturers put sugar and flour into everything. That's what we will talk about next. But first, I want to make sure you know two more reasons why too much insulin causes overhunger. The way your body lets you know you're hungry is