Self-Care Tool #3 Be Good Company You are stuck with yourself for the rest of your life. Is this a good thought or a dreadful one? Do you like to hang out with yourself? Are you nice and wonderful and sweet to yourself? Many times, we think we want our husband or significant other to be more of some- thing. I hear it all the time. “If he would just pay more attention to me.” What about you? How much atten- tion are you giving yourself? You want him to be more considerate in the way he talks to you, but how do you talk to yourself? Being with someone (you) who says to you all day: ! MoD a1e +at. ! MoD a1e Dgly. ! What is w1ong with yoD? ! I Con’t liXe yoD. ! MoD have no willYowe1. ! MoD a1e CisgDsting. ! cosh3 yoD’1e CDmb. ! cet yoD1 act togethe1. ! MoD a1e so lazy. ! MoD will neve1 be thin. QaXe MoD1sel+ \1oDC by PaXing Ca1e ! A52