away” their essence. They believe something that isn’t true. Just because you think you are damaged doesn’t mean you are. You have the ability to believe that you are a whole, good, and magnificent person, who expe- rienced something horrible. That horrible experience does not have the power to damage who you are at your core unless you believe it does and live your life as if it does. Human beings have the power to hurt us physically. They have the power to overpower us emotionally as children. They can tell us to believe that we are wrong, horrible, shameful, and to blame. THEY CANNOT MAKE US BELIEVE THEM. As children, we can’t make this distinction because we are still being taught what to believe. As adults, we can choose what we will and won’t believe anymore. No matter what anyone says or does to us, we have the sacred, protected space of free will and choice over what we believe. No matter how big or powerful someone is, they cannot touch the space that determines what we believe. It is for us and for us alone. It is a sacred gift given to us by our Creator. No matter what has happened to you. No matter if you were raped, molested, beaten, cheated, or rejected, you have the choice to believe what you want about the event and what it means to you. You have the 112 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?