don’t deserve success, that your metabolism is messed up, that you are ugly, and that it will always be a strug- gle. EUREKA. Belief system found. No wonder you are having a hard time losing weight. You are bumping up against all these beliefs that you actually believe. One by one, we must dismantle this belief mess. None of these beliefs is true, and we need to stop believing them. How would you act if you didn’t believe this sys- tem? How would your life be different? If all your actions were driven by the exact opposite of each of these beliefs, what results would you have and what would you feel? For example, if you believed you would end the weight struggle permanently within the next six months by losing all your excess weight per- manently and you truly believed it, how would your life be different? If you believed you were strong, had amazing emotional control, that life could work with you instead of against you, that you deserved success beyond your wildest imagination, that your metabo- lism was perfect and it just needed you to align with it, and that you could truly be free of this for the rest of your life, what would your life look like? How would it be different than what it is today? What actions would be different? How would you feel on a daily basis? What MoD Telieve Is Who MoD A1e ! A21