42 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? But until then, you are going to feel pretty bad. You will go through withdrawal from sugar in your brain due to the lack of dopamine and the crazy desire to overeat. Your brain will tell you that YOU'RE GOING TO DIE if you don't eat something right now. It will be like a toddler in the grocery store at the candy check out. It's going to have a FIT. Do not give in. Understand your brain is having a thought error and simply say no. It will tell you that one is fine. I will tell you a taste is OK. It will tell you it's normal to eat sugar and flour. It will tell you it's normal to be overweight. DO NOT LISTEN TO IT. False pleasure is not normal and it will cost you your health. Allow yourself to feel deprived. It will be temporary. It will be hard. But you will get through it and then you will notice how good you feel and how much desire has dissipated. That is when you will taste freedom from the tyranny of overdesire and I believe most of us have overeaten enough for one lifetime.