PAGE 18 | SELF COACHING SCHOLARS I used to love chardonnay. I wasn’t an alcoholic. I didn’t drink and get drunk and stupid. But I couldn’t stop. I was desperate to not want it anymore. But I did want it. Every night. I loved sitting down with a glass or two of wine. It interfered with my sleep, my hormones, my mornings, and my focus. So I went on a mission to learn how to cut back on drinking without using the traditional programs of rehab or AA. And I did! I LEARNED HOW TO NOT WANT IT ANYMORE, and, therefore, quit drinking altogether. I simply don’t drink and don’t want to drink at all anymore. I wish I could tell you what a miracle that is. I never thought a day would go by that I wouldn’t want to enjoy a glass of wine. But I simply don’t. I applied the study I did on food and how it affects the brain, and then I applied it toward alcohol and found a process to eliminate the desire. I have offered this same program to hundreds of people with the same result. The emails I get from those students are the most heartfelt. They are so thankful to be free from the struggle that is being someone who drinks too much but is not an alcoholic. This program is exactly for you. And I promise you it works. This program is extensive and has many videos, audios, and supplements. It also has a quick start guide that has four easy to follow videos. These videos alone have given my students the opportunity to change their legacy and the trajectory of their drinking forever. This program is designed for those of you who want to cut back on drinking or completely stop. It gives the control back to you to decide one way or the other. There is no reason you have to struggle with this for the rest of your life. Even if you aren’t a drinker, I recommend you poke around in this section of the site. There is so much great information and many recorded calls that demonstrate me coaching live.