believe that they are doing the right thing by sacrific- ing their dreams, goals, and needs for the sake of their family. There are many groups of people who believe family values means we must give up our immediate desires in order to take good care of our families. I have heard them argue on the radio that America is going to hell in a hand basket because parents are so into their own dreams that they lose track of their family values and family meaning. I respectfully disagree with this assumption. I see more women who are giving up all their needs and throwing themselves into their family with no regard to themselves. There is a balance and it is not found in self-sacrifice. It is found in loving our families from a place of self-care. It is through paying attention to ourselves and growing ourselves that we set an example for our kids. Being a good parent is about being your best, and not just attending sports activities or being available to drive them everywhere. Having self-value is the starting point where you can begin to teach your family values. QaXe MoD1sel+ \1oDC by PaXing Ca1e ! A50 PaXing ca1e o+ yoD1sel+ is neve1 sel+ish.