Overweight • 43 overhunger, and that freedom tastes better than any food you can overeat. Anyone who tells you weight loss is easy is most likely insulin sensitive. Weight loss is hard. You will go through withdrawal, deprivation and self-pity in the beginning. I have watched it hundreds of times. But then you will start to feel better. You will start to lose weight. You will stop wanting and wanting and wanting all the time. You will stop thinking about food and eating and weight loss morning, noon, and night. You will earn being at your natural weight, and at that point you will most likely make the decision to never overeat again. I believe most of us have overeaten enough for one lifetime. I don't think the point of our life is to be entertained with the false pleasure of food. I think it’s an escape from consciousness and a detour from living I don't use food to entertain myself. I don't use it for my pleasure.