In my work at The Life Coach School, and more specifically in my monthly coaching group, Self Coaching Scholars, we ask and answer these questions from what I call the "causal" level. We find the cause of the problem rather than just trying to solve the symptom. The symptom of overweight is overeating. We need to know more, though. We can't just focus on the fact that we are overeating and try to control it. We must understand why we overeat – or more importantly, why we WANT to overeat. If we can get to the bottom of that reason, it will be so much easier to stop doing it now and for the long term. If we don’t, we will be caught in a cycle of having to deprive ourselves of something we desperately and continuously want. I know you can likely relate to this if you have ever gone on a diet only to go off it because you just couldn’t do it anymore. 18 • If IAm So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? It has become normal to eat all day and in huge quantities at mealtime. The body has adjusted to accommodate this.