PAGE 4 | SELF COACHING SCHOLARS Hi, friend! I’m Brooke Castillo. I’m a partner in The Life Coach School, creator of The Life Coach School Podcast, author of several books, and Master Weight and Life Coach Instructor. I created Self Coaching Scholars as a gift to you. In 2016, my business had grown to the point where I couldn’t accommodate new clients, even at a five figure price tag, to coach with me. I had more people who wanted to work with me than I had time for. After hundreds of requests, I created a program where hardworking, purpose seeking clients could learn and coach with me weekly or daily. This program has been a dream come true. I’m so proud of what we are able to offer for such an affordable coaching fee. I love telling new clients about this program and seeing them create tremendous results. This program helps people stop buffering, stop being stuck, and stop being confused, and it allows them to move rapidly toward the lives they most want to live. It’s not about just talking, learning, or even doing. It’s about creating results that we can stand by and be proud of accomplishing. I would love to have you join me and the rest of my students in a program that will most definitely blow your mind. But, more important, if you do the work I assign, you will blow your own mind as well. INTRODUCTION